Eclipse Capital.


The Eclipse Capital Logo

The obscuring of light of the sun or moon by the intervention of the other is what is known as an eclipse. This compelling phenomenon is a rare spectacle that only a few over the hour hand of time, have been blessed to see.
Similarly, Eclipse Capital is a rare spectacle that oozes a magnetic field which attracts and brings to light, those few extraordinary gems of the universe. Eclipse Capital harbours a wide array of peerless solutions for corporate financing and investment advisory. Through ingenuity and diversity Eclipse Capital unlocks a world full of unchallenged possibilities.
The analogy of an eclipse rising and what Eclipse Capital stands for is made visible through the logo. The ā€˜eā€™ captures the obscuring of the sun by the moon whereas ingenuity and diversity shines through the glow. Because the swish positioned above the gold typeface is not anchored and remains independent, this denotes that Eclipse Capital subscribers enjoy financial freedom that is not bound and can further increase, (as the space above the swish provides endless room for further upliftment).

Foundational principles


To be visible, present and impactful in all sectors of economic endeavour through our funding solutions.

Mission Statement

To drive our presence on the African continent by promoting meaningful business ventures by 2030.


Giving impetus, driving momentum.